
rate of stocking中文是什么意思

  • 载蓄率
  • 载畜量
  • 载畜率



  • 例句与用法
  • Var based evaluation method for impawn rate of stock for combination
  • The structural distribution and analysis of earning - rate of stock market in china
  • In chapter six , the author gives conclusions as follows : 1 . the concentration rate of stock has negative relationship with the degree and type of diversification
    在第六章中,表述了实证结论: 1 .股权集中度和企业多元化战略的相关程度和类型表现出负相关关系。
  • Many reasons cause that the people ' s fund dare not to enter stock market . the direct reasons are the expected return rate of stock market is highly uncertainly and the risk & return is non - symmetric
  • The following is the studying process on the problem . first of all , we overview the methods of the option pricing and the compute , then make the tests of normality on the return rate of stock by skewness - kurtosis test and kolmogorov - smirnov test
  • Using the expect theory , this paper intents to study how the expected return rate of stock market affects the investment behaviors and how the investment behaviors affect on the development of stock market . the paper also raises some suggestion on the construction of stock market
  • On the base of analyzing securities inner value , price of securities is compared with inner value by p / e and capital / dividend . market efficiency is analyzed by emh as well as the relation between price tendency of securities and that of macro - economy by the ratio of growth rate of stock ' s total value to that of nominal gdp
  • Q ( t ) ) dt + ( t ) dwtq ] , and the interest rate of the riskless asset 、 the volatility rate and the dividend rate of stock are non - random functions of time , the pricing formula of two - points reset option is obtained by using martingale and stochastic analysis knowledge 。 following the thought of merton , chapter five depicts the asset price motion with ito
    Q ( t ) ) dt + ( t ) dwtq ] ,且无风险利率、股息率以及波动率为时间的非随机函数,并借助鞅和随机分析知识给出了两点重设型期权的定价公式。第五章按照merton的思想,用以下ito
  • 推荐英语阅读
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